The temperatures have nosedived at night here in late November, so I have both feet firmly planted in winter warmer dram territory. And despite my Insta name, I sometimes do want/my liver begs for something not cask strength, but still has that certain oomph. And for those days, there’s GlenDronach 12.
I mentioned this weekend that ECBP A121 puts me in a Christmas mindset, despite it having no intention of really aiming to take you there. GlenDronach 12 is an even more pronounced version of that same phenomenon for me, although I tend to think that of most sherry bomb scotches. Still, the seasonal connection is there in my mind, and my mind just seems to find my hand reaching for Aberlour and GlenDronach a lot this week.
Do you also find the holidays change your selections?
Image courtesy of Jon who also writes on Low Class & High Proof.
I learned how to make cocktails watching Danger 5