Old Sunny Brook Whiskey, 1919, 6 year, Rye Whisky, Bottle in Bond, 50% abv.
This is Pre-Prohibition juice as seen from the tax stamp. Interestingly, the mascot for Sunny Brook is The Inspector. The history of Sunny Brook is quite similar to most distilleries, but I think I'll provide a link that better explains everything instead: http://pre-prowhiskeymen.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-rosenfields-were-sunny-brook-boys.html?m=1
Nose: like a soft perfume, some light fruits,fresh waffles, super unique, amazing nose.
Palate: very hard to describe, beautiful, a little bit of light fruit and slight hints of wood, smooth, the world is beautiful again. Does not taste like a rye. This is what the color pink tastes like.
Finish: short, slightly fruity on exhale. No spice.
An amazing rye, this was what the bar owner suggested as the best whisky he has in his bar and I have to agree. This is one of those traumatizing whiskies where you cannot forget the experience. So far, no other rye, or American whisky has beaten this one for me. Maybe it reached perfect conditions with time, who knows? I know Rogin's Tavern offered this as a taster at a whisky festival this year (2018) and I heard it was finished. Not sure what it is with these vintage products... so much better.
Grade: A
Image courtesy of Eric Yee.
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