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Whisky Reviews

Evan Williams Bottled-in-bond Whisky


This is a spiritual continuation to a post @dadanddram made last week, which is basically a polite way of saying this post is ripping off his post.

I have a power quartet of 100-ish proof and bottled-in-bond bourbons that I speak of fondly and with great frequency: Evan Williams BiB, OGD Bonded, Old Tub, and Wild Turkey 101. And while I execute bottles of ECBP and A’bunadh with the speed and fervor of a Jacobin guillotine operator in Paris during the Reign of Terror, those casualties pale in comparison to the annual mortality rate of WT101 and EW BiB in my bar cabinet.

But Old Tub and Evan Dubya White Label don’t quite generate the Likes the same way as Dan Dan The Bourbon Man posting a picture of yet another cabinet full of 33 bottles of Stagg, 14 bottles of Pappy 23, a couple bottles of OFC 1993, and a random Macallan limited edition. And the Macallan might have been opened.

The “why” of this is a really interesting question I’ll leave to psychologists and economists. All I’m here to contend is my bottles of Evan BiB and WT101 are much more *enjoyed* than the cabinets full of allocated Buffalo Trace products that parade through my timeline daily. I’m not subtweeting you if you like hunting Weller and Stagg to drink and share it, and I’m truly not trying to be sour here — congrats on finding all those bottles, and congrats on finding them at/near retail or having the income possible to participate in the bizarro-world that is secondary pricing. Even bigger congrats if you’re one of the crazy diamonds buying that WLW to drink it. But I’m also not here to tell anyone what they *should* be doing with their own possessions, so long as it’s legal in the eyes of God and man. And certainly I like talking about A’bunadh and Stagg Jr. as much as the Instagram algorithm likes any hashtag with Pappy in it.

But like @dadanddram said — I’d wager decent money that the account with the closet full of Pappy 15 you hate follow is drinking a sensibly priced BiB workhorse tonight, just like most of us. It might be neat, it might be on the rocks, it might be in a cocktail — but it will be good. And to me, those are bottles also worth celebrating.


Image courtesy of Jon who also writes on Low Class & High Proof.


Low Class & High Proof

I learned how to make cocktails watching Danger 5