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Whisky Reviews

Buffalo Trace Bourbon 45% ABV


Top 10 bottles to bring to a holiday party: Buffalo Trace

Well, hopefully today’s post doesn’t prompt various importing and marketing arms of Sazerac Co. to slide into my DM’s to criticize me for passing along information a 5 minute Google search would yield. You’re dead to me, Tenjaku.

Anyways, on to bottle 9 of our 10 part series: OG Buffalo Trace. Much like its sibling Eagle Rare 10 that we featured on Sunday, this is a bottle that has staggeringly variable availability depending on where you live. If you’re lucky enough to live in an area where BT is in plenty, hard to spend $30 in a superior way. If like me you live in a Sazerac dead zone, maybe you hold this one back unless you know a few whiskey fans will be at the party too.

What that $30 MSRP gets you if you bring this to a get-together is an instant crowd pleaser. This is such a friendly, happy bourbon bursting with vanilla, caramel, and floral aromas. And while you’d be hard-pressed to name a more approachable bourbon for the newcomer, this bottle has enough depth that even super-jaded whiskey fans still love to sip on it.

While BT is the supreme diplomat for enticing a new whiskey fan to try out s neat or rocks pour, this bottle also makes a helluva mixer. I *adore* Mules made with Buffalo Trace — the soft sweetness pairs perfectly with any ginger or spicy flavoring. My only caution here is there’s always That Guy that will squawk if you ever use a BT-branded bottle for anything other than a neat pour. To him you should say, bah humbug. Drink the way you like to enjoy it.

Tomorrow: the finale!


Image courtesy of Jon who also writes on Low Class & High Proof.


Low Class & High Proof

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