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What's Happening

Shizuoka Craft Beer and Whisky Fair 2023 | 28 & 29 October 2023



The lineup at the upcoming Shizuoka Craft Beer and Whisky Fair (10/28~29) looks to be a great one. There will be about 20 craft breweries including Hiroshima Neighborly, Shizuoka local West Coast Brewing, DevilCraft, Minoh, and Kyoto Brewing. The whisky lineup looks excellent too. Full list of participants here: shizuoka-fair.com


静岡クラフトビール&ウイスキーフェアの出展者リストは豪華な顔ぶれだ。HIROSHIMA NEIGHBORLY BREWINGや地元静岡のWest Coast Brewing、DevilCraft Brewery、箕面ビールや京都醸造などの約20のクラフトビール醸造所が参加予定で、もちろんウイスキー蒸溜所のラインナップも錚々たるメンバーだ。全出展社のリストの確認はオフィシャルページで:shizuoka-fair.com