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Sake Reviews

Iyo Kagiya 伊予賀儀屋 番外編Junmai Namagenshu 60%

Iyo Kagiya 伊予賀儀屋 番外編Junmai Namagenshu 純米生原酒 60% Seimai Buai

Rice - Matsuyamamitsui 松山三井 🌾
Prefecture - Ehime 愛媛県
Brewery - Seiryu Shuzo
Alcohol - 17.5%
Color - Light Yellow
Aroma - 🍏, Vanilla, 🍌, Steam 🍚, 🧀
Taste - Light
Umami - Medium
First impression - Fresh
Body - Light
Sweetness - Medium Dry
Tail/length - Medium
Overall - No. 4 out of 5 bottles curated by Orihara Shoten. This sake from Iyo Kagiya is a seasonal sake which is released in March and April. It is a Junmai that consists of a blend of several tanks with the same specifications and also a muroka namagenshu which needs to be stored and drank chilled. The aroma consists of 🍏, 🍌 and 🧀 with alcohol smell as well. The taste is light but with medium umami. I find the sake quite refreshing with the light body and medium dry sweetness. I would have classify it as a Jun-Shu except that the body is on the lighter side. The medium length is largely contributed by the higher alcohol content as I can still feel the bitterness of the alcohol at the back of my throat after sometime. Having medium umami and high alcohol content, I would pair this sake with food with lots of spice and texture like Thai food of green/red curry or Indian masala mutton or chicken.
Overall, this is a good sake.


Mitsui San
An amateur sake lover who loves anything 🇯🇵 and started exploring 🍶 drinking 5 years ago. A Kikisakeshi #唎酒師 by SSI & Certified Sake Sommelier by SSA. IG: @mitsui.sakenoob