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Reviews of Everything Nice

We Review & Rank the Oatside Trio: Oatside Original, Chocolate & Coffee

I guess you could call this an Oatside side-by-side. 

Oatside is one of those millennial- and Gen-Z-friendly brands of oat m*lk that have recently been making waves across Southeast Asia with their cute packaging and punny bear-mascot fuelled marketing. Recently, they've been rolling out different flavoured variants of oat milk, including the Oatside Original Barista Blend oat milk, the Oatside Chocolate oat milk and the Oatside Coffee oat milk. 

As someone who's been a long-time lover of oat milk (enough to endure the associated $1 top up free whenever I order a latte at a cafe), I didn't think twice when I saw these trio packs sitting on the shelf of my neighbourhood supermarket. So without further ado, let's jump into the taste-test and review of these three Oatside milk flavors! 

Oatside Original Barista Blend Oatmilk - Review

Taste + Texture: This is one of the creamiest oat milks I've tasted, with a thick, rich mouthfeel. The flavor has a nice subtle nuttiness, with notes of pistachio and hazelnut, and you can taste a distinctively fragrant sweetness that remains me of cream and rice milk. Very drinkable and full-bodied! 

Oatside Chocolate Oatmilk - Review

Taste + Texture: This was even thicker and heavier-bodied than the original oat milk, with strong, flavorful accents of malt powder and milk chocolate shavings. This instantly triggers nostalgic memories of the Milo truck milo cups that was served during primary school track and field events, albeit a little bit creamier. I think the flavor on this is really tasty, no doubt, but the texture is so creamy that I could imagine myself getting quite full after a few sips. 

Oatside Coffee Oatmilk - Review

Taste + Texture: I liked the texture on this one - creamy without becoming overly heavy-bodied or chewy. The coffee flavours blends and balances really well with the sweet, nuttiness. It reminds me of a creamy latte, though towards the end, there's a slightly darker espresso note that grows in prominence, reminding me less of a latte and more of the Kopiko coffee candy. 

Overall Thoughts

All three Oatside packets are perceptibly more heavy-bodied, creamy and subtly sweet than any other oat milk brands, which are usually a bit lighter and thinner on the texture. I'd even say that this is almost dessert-like in taste and feel, and I can see it's easygoing flavours has the potential to have broad appeal. 

Personally, I found the chocolate and coffee packets too be slightly too sweet and thick for an every day drink, and would probably recommend it as a morning grab-and-go option for those with a massive sweet tooth and are looking for something more socially unacceptable to drink than an ice cream milkshake in the early morning.

That said, I'm a big fan of the original! I do really appreciate its smoothness and richness of the original Barista Blend packet which has much more flavor and dimensionality than most plain oat milks I've tried before. At present, I always keep carton on hand in my kitchen to drink with my morning coffee. And, since this is 88bamboo.co after all, I of course have to mention also that the Original oat milk flavour works beautifully in a White Russian cocktail! 

