Just In 👉 After 6 Years Of Waiting, Chichibu Distillery 2 I...

Beer Reviews

Talus of Mystery and Imagination, IPA, BrewHeart



Amazingly fragrant and rich DDH TIPA from Munich. This beer singlehandedly made me book a trip out to Munich the very next day I saw it online and it did not disappoint!! Incredibly dank, hoppy, rich and piney with a thick sweetness. It was so grassy I swear there were nelson hops in there both times I drank it (but I was so wrong lmao). Full and rounded mouthfeel that keeps you coming back for more. Longgggggg ass finish.

Best offering from @brewheartofficial after tasting 7 of their beers. Incredibly well done and comparable to many of the top notch IPAs from across the world!!

Enjoyed every last sip of the 2 cans I bought.


Brian Heng (Find his other posts here)

1/5 hazy boys
I have an addiction to small canned BA stouts
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