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Beer Reviews

Grape Soda Session Sour, Vault City Brewing



Grape Soda | Vault City
Session Sour | ABV 4.0%

Tastes like the sour version of Fanta Grape soda! Tart but doesn't linger, a thin & crushable session sour - which is great for sour beginners.

As it warms up, there's reminiscence of peanut butter or a hint of nuttiness, which reminds me of Skippy's PB & Jelly spread.

🍻 @vaultcitybrewing by @qualitydropsbeer
Drank at @beerforce.sg


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Drinking through sours, stouts & fruity IPAs
🇸🇬 Beer drinking enabler @beerforce.sg, sometimes at @americantaproomsg