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88 Bamboo Korea (88 대나무)

Stille Nacht, Golden Ale, Brouwerij De Dolle Brouwers


Stille Nacht - 12%
Belgian Strong Golden Ale from @dedollebrouwers
Found @superbottle.Jeju
제가 제주도에서 먹어본 것 중 최고의 벨기에 스트롱에일을 찾을 줄은 몰랐어요. 이것은 매우 복잡하고 부드러웠어요.
노트: 독한, 달콤한, 부드러운, 맥아, 크림같은, 그리고 과일 맛.
I did not expect to find the best Belgian Strong ale I’ve ever had while in Jeju. This was very complex and smooth.
Notes: strong, sweet, smooth, malty, creamy, and fruity.



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