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88 Bamboo Korea (88 대나무)

Much Ado About Nothing, IPA, Craftbros Brewing Co.


Much Ado About Nothing 헛소동 - 6.2%
NEIPA from @craftbros_brewing
크래프트브로스의 다음 소식을 기다리고 있는 동안 여기 그들이 지난 봄에 만든 특별한 케그만 맥주가 있어요. 감귤 맛은 조금 달랐지만 맥주 맛은 끝내줬어요.
노트: 부드러운, 크림 같은, 레몬, 라임, 그리고 홉스.
While we are waiting for what comes next from Craftbros, here is a throwback to one of their specials that they only kegged. It was a bit different with the citrus flavors but still a fantastic beer.
Notes: smooth, creamy, lemony, lime, and hoppy.



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